Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I think I found an Open Window...

This week has been another really hard week for me. The conflict, miscommunication at school is breaking my heart.

I thought it was 'the worst' when they didn't seem to know ANYTHING about Michael's computer, or how to alter curriculum for him.. but I was wrong.

It's worse when you approach the school about a cool site you've just found (www.adaptedlearning.com) and come to find out that the SPED teacher already was familiar with the site- or in her words- Very familiar with the site.

WHY WHY aren't you adapting the school work for my child? Why am I left to find these things on my own? Why aren't you giving my child the benefit of the doubt.. that he IS teachable?

While Brad and I are on a hunt for an education advocate, and touring private schools.. I have to think there's a bigger purpose to all of this.

I continue to have this feeling... I am destined to do something more.... Cameron has also felt this way.

A month ago, when Michael got hurt at school, Cameron said she wanted to be Michael's para.. 'cause how did he get hurt if someones with him all the time' (she's her mother's daughter!)

This week- she wants to be a special education teacher.. and wants to know what classes in college she needs to take.... because she wants to help families, just like Michael.

So maybe we're meant to move a mountain- we're suppose to become advocates for not only Michael, but find a way to bridge the gap between schools and homes- and people that need access to computers to help children talk, learn, live.

Maybe this hurdle is really something more- maybe it's an open window in a dark basement that I just have to find a way to open.

Avoiceformichael will be a nonprofit organization.. and the mission statement will be:

A charity designed to help communities, schools and families with Childhood Apraxia live a life full of possibilities... a group created in the hopes that Apraxia won't be something we live with, but something we adapt into our everyday lives so that people can express themselves without verbal words.

Well- I'll have to work on the mission statement- but it's a start!!


  1. Your words are so encouraging. You make me want to move a mountain too, or at least get behind you and help push. Don't ever give up. I'll continue praying for all of you. Love you

  2. Thanks Tami.. You're a good sister.. and thanks for saying you'll help push..
    cause guess what..
    I need a financial analyst for my non profit group.. :)
    say yes.. who knows.. maybe we can do this full time.. and help tons of families..
    Love Ya
