Friday, May 14, 2010

Sometimes Waiting Is the hardest part....

Testing Part 2 went well yesterday.

Yesterday was vocabulary testing (Peabody test). Our private SLP gave the test in her office.... the test to me was a little hard.

All of the pages had four pictures, but the pictures were very similar.. ex: Michael, find the picture that is DRIPPING.
His choices were: a shower, a watering can, a faucet, and a hose...

The answer: a faucet drips water.

So what they do, is they start at age three: shapes, nouns, and then they move onto verbs, and action words.

Michael was so proud of himself when he knew the answer.. but when he didn't.. you could tell in his eyes.. he would peer up at me or the tester.. and just point.

but even then.. I'd reach out and give him a high five.. because I know he wanted it!

His test score for that test was a vocabulary knowledge of a 4 year and 2 month old.

I'm a little disappointed with that... but... This isn't the final score from all of the IQ testing..
But it's also a benchmark.. I can still say.. School- he knows his shapes and numbers.. lets move on to "dripping"

We won't get the complete results until late next week...

I'm super proud of Michael.. He worked so hard.. and it tells me again.. how much he wants to learn.. because he was so proud of himself!!!

I love you buddy- good job!

Monday, May 10, 2010

One's Two's and Shapes for you...

Tomorrow Michael goes for his IQ tests.
I have so much anxiety about this.... I guess because a part of me realizes how important this is to his education, his future.. but also to me.

I've spent months fighting the school, fighting with his teachers about how much more he knows.. and what if my expectations are just too high?

So tomorrow at 11:30, we'll sit down with an independent advisor, and Michael will be given a non verbal test- About 100 words (pictures) that he's suppose to identify.

He'll be given a very generic IQ test, the same test that they use to decide whether someone is ready to go to kindergarten.

So I hope Michael is ready.... I'll feed him with lots 'o brain power food tomorrow morning... and hope that he comes ready to work.

Good Luck Mikey.. I know you can do it!!!